Saturday, February 18, 2012

Life destiny in your own hands

It was the title of the course. It was well said each time we heard of something of this or similiar of that. But no matter how human have planned, it may come out something of what God has proposes. Different people have different life, different family has different ways of life!
One particular statement, the course leader mentioned was when he saw the people in his ex company was envying him of doing his job far faster than others, the colleagues started to complain him. He said to be a good and better employee was also forbidden by others! That was the time, he started to think twice to leave the company for another job.

There are many times, I also feel the same, some people around you started to compliment you, but in a way is in fact envying you, so better be aware of it. At the same time, those who out of nowhere, started to give you directions of what to do next and next, this one can, that one cannot, then, it sounded dangerous at least! We are all children of God, we are armed with a brain, if not better at least also on par to somewhere, so why can't we have an opinion of our own freely and doing things freely?

Now who is behold of your own destiny?............

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