Thursday, February 23, 2012

What behold for you today?

As pages or thousand of lines won't finish to describe the above. Some can be writing without ending, but for here, I would like to share when at times, life has been on an uneasy pace, I would like to seek PEACE. Inner peace of whatever I want to do, not you to decide! :)

Sometimes in life, there are a few as if nothing to do or go on their lifes but instead love to stack our beautiful life styles. Do you encounter such? They can be in the form of hacking through the phone lines, internet lines and whatsoever ways when a devil is lurking around. GPRS etc... by their so called beautiful iphone! Well, in this sense can we say Steve Job is a wonderful man? Yes, he was still and thanks for the trackers and hackers who ever are. You give lots of challenges for all of us. Thanks so much... Life is wonderful without those, isn't it? :)

At this Greenwich mean time 1105 hours, I take 1 cup of coffee and later I took a glass of :"misai kuching" that is good for you to reflect over of what life behold for you today!

Hope it balance off my sugar level today with SWEET vs BiTTer!

What about you? Why not take a break off to know more about "misai kuching" before your egoism kills you?

(Do come back for more photos!)

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