Saturday, January 28, 2012


How many of us have sit down to recollect ourselves? Many a while, each will start to point the mistakes of another while not reflecting on oneself! Don't you agree? In this festive season, one should be humbled in the name of God the almighty, what you have done over the years and come to recollect of what one is going to embark in the coming days.

It may sound holistic but it is only too true that if one is not recounting of oneself, the judgement is there to come! At times, how many of us are grateful or appreciating of another's job?
Gratitude? Have you been grateful of what you have been when you were much younger, how you are being grown up!

In another sense or tone, sometimes, some people are just not forgiving enough that they will repeat the history and yet they know that is grumbling already but yet they live in such. Of course, as a listener, one will pull an ear to hear but one will never adheed to such "grumbles"?

In the short concluding statement, one would say, when we get older, we try to speak the less the better, the better world to live in and at the same time, some people like to be authorative and it shows how accentric one is then.

Well... each of us, live our lives in a far better way than just grumbling and it will never make things happen!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Of late, likened to study different communities, cultures and living. When I visited the mountains, I see so many natives living in the mountains in decades if not in century already. They didnt open up or rather developed in their neighbourhood, but they are happy as they are. What made them as what they are? (You may say, hey! man, they are so contented!) But they can live a day without fail. They are not starving, they own proper homes, cars, clothings to live on day by day.

Comparatively, those living in the urbans, I can see how greed, materialism changed another to a uncontented person. Many are rushing out in the early morn, be it their day of work, real life or dark life as I love to put it. Some are so greedy that they do robberies, thieving works etc. In which, at this hour (4am) or even earlier, (should I say, damn it in this NY time) they are already working round the clock to hack people's homes in the wake of the hours where everyone should be in the slumberland. Including me, but the barking of neighbour's dog made me realised, I better do something here to make those lurkers at bay! This is the second consecutive nights.

At times, I would wonder, why those people cannot work hard decently in the day, be a dish washer, a street sweeper, a cleaner of anything, selling anything out of the garden (if they ever tilted.. but do they?) In my neighbourhood of about 50 - 60 houses, not a single house, I can see as many fruit trees/plants/flowers like my own garden! I really cannot believe it myself.

But over the CNY celebrations, you can heard much "bomps..." and fire crackers banging, well, deep into it, do they have decent life styles, that I have no comment! Indeed, to me, playing firecrackers is not only illegal, it pollutes the air, waste money not an idea to me for decades! Moreover, if anyone is doing work like the firecrackers, it only changes to paper only!

Thus, in my tutoring time, relaxing over with my students, sharing about basics in life. To have it, every one must learn to plant some trees, flowers, vegetables at home to realise life is not just studying alone. (To do this, I taught them how to plant and we compete to see whose seeds will grow to bigger vegetables, or plants.)

In years to come, what community can do better ? Those who read bibles more often, it is undeniable. It is a book, nothing can be learnt else where. But to master the bible and put to life, is the key to any everlasting community.

Human beings vs human beings

In this new year 2012, studying more of this is not only interesting, it gave lots of insights. Here and there, we come to know someone is close to another, another one is not close to their next of kins, what more to say?

The blood group, the genes, the different family tree and ways of life/growing up, food one needs to take all accounted to any human being, how one is moulded into the society.

Once, my immediate superior told me, the hardest thing to handle in work is to handle "human beings". That question lies in my mind for long. Indeed, it is very difficult. One day, while I sent some new year tangerine oranges to a convent, I had a short conversation with a sister. She told me, it is never easy to work with the adults. I quickly agreed with her. Deep inside me, I thank God for whatever he gives me, I used to deal with young children. It is not that I can easily manipulate them but rather young children like young bamboo shoots, they can be taught, easily bentable, not until at a later age. But on the other hand, I dealt with many adults too. Some are older, some are much younger than my age. Of course, there is one or two always trying to expect another to be like them. Well.. then comes my thinking, can't I be what I am?

What more to say, a happy visitation can end up as an unhappy one, have you encountered? It is time for people to recollect what are we in this world? Who am I?

To sum up this, we should be happy of what we are, who I am and not who so and so is? Who so and so is better than I?

God gives everyone fairly in this world, it all depends on how one grasp the opportunity to live the journey. It is never how smart you are, how much you earn a year. It is rather how much you have SAVED. To live the past with no regrets, to live the future with HOPE, to live the present with help around those and lastly to have good FAITH in you.

p/s "There is no end of learning." This was written in my Year 6's autograph by my assistant headmaster, the late Lee in year 1971